On the 14th of May the meeting was to receive the guests of the GSE from Brazil and the members of the Rehovot Club.
Dr. Isssam opened the meeting by welcoming the 41 guests from Rehovot Club and three guests from theUnited States staying in Nazareth. A member of the Rehovot club read from the Old Testament, then one of the members of Nazareth read from the New Testament.
PP Emile Nuseir gave the proverb of the day followed by PP Elias Zaher who porposed a toast for the Ladies and PP Asaad Yunis proposed the International Toast.
Also present in the club were The GSE members from the club of Sao Paulo whose leader Michael Winetzki talked about the main project in their town and that is eliminating illetracy. He talked about the economical problems of Brazil and then asked each member of his group to introduce himself.
This was followed by the president of the Rehovot club who thanked the members of Nazareth club for their kind reception then talked about the projects of Rehovot club.

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