On the 13th of July 1991 President Adi Jarjoura and the other members of the Board of Directors met at the office of Elie Nakhle and the following decisions were taken:
1. The Board accepted the request of Past President Habib Boulos to relieve him from the membership of Rotary because he had moved to live in Kfar Yasif.
2. The yearly fees for the membership will be 550.- N.Sh
3. A decision was taken by the board to try and establish a Roteract Club in Nazareth. President Adi and Elie Nakhle will take the responsibility for that project.
4. Rotary will encourage forming a committee with the Municipality for a project to name the streets of Nazareth.(In 1963/64 Rotary proposed such a project to the Municipality but the answer was that the matter was too complicated to start with)
5. Sponsor the building of a Rotary Garden on the main street in Nazareth.
6. Sponsor good relations with the neighboring clubs for better understanding and friendship between the Nazareth club and the Jewish clubs in the District.

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