On the 6th and 7th of April 2006 The club sponsored a two days program for the Fight against Road Accidents. The first day included a meeting of students with a panel that was composed of the chairman of the Club’s Committee for Safety on the Roads Suheil Issawi, a seriously injured man
in a road accident seven years ago accompanied by his father and the Director of the Ambulance Company (Hatsala) Nader Abu Nicola, Advocate Nicola Boulos and President of the Club Jeries Boulos.
The second day a “Simulator” car ( that turns upside down) was brought to the school grounds.

The speaker on that day was the head of the Traffic Dept. in Nortrhern Israel Mr. Nabile Issawi who talked to the students about ways to avoid accidents whether as drivers or pedestrians, after which the students tried the special car and felt the importance of the use of Safety Belt specially when the car turns upside down..


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