On Saturday the 25th of October 2014, president of the club Albert Zaher with two of the members, Bassam Kurzum and Ihab Shamshoum welcomed a group of visiting Rotarians from Sweden who are here in Israel on the Rotary Friendship Exchange program.
The group met their hosts for that night then went on a very short tour in Nazareth visiting the church of Annunciation, then were taken to Tiberias to have lunch on the shores of the lake after which they visited the Tabgha Church, then the church on top of the home of St. Peter in Kfar Nahoum.
In the evening they were guests at a special rotary meeting organized by the club in which President Albert welcomed them again, then the usual rotary program took place. Rotarian Farah Bishara congratulated members who have birthdays or wedding anniversaries, then PP Suhail Saba gave wisdom of the week, the PP. Dr. Nakhleh Bishara proposed the International Toast, PP Bashir Nusair and his wife Randa gave the Ladies Toast and the response. PDG Yusef Srouji gave a short talk about the history of the club, then mentioned few of the important projects that the club had offered to the communities of Nazareth, Israel and in Palestine.
President Albert then asked some of the guests to introduce themselves and talk about their clubs after which P. Albert invited all present to move to the outside hall for dinner in honor of our guests from Sweden.

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