On Friday the 19th of February 2016 Rotarians from District 2490 Israel paid a traditional visit to the Paul Haris Forest near Safad to plant trees in memory of members who passed away during the last Rotary Year.
Past District Governor Yusef Srouji, Nazareth Rotary President Dr. Awni Elias, Secretary Alaa` Khoury and member of the District Committee for Youth Exchange Issam Srouji together, visited the forest for the traditional Tree Planting.
Dr. Elias Srouji was a Charter Member and the 4th President of the club died in Oklahoma City USA in September 2015 while his brother Anis, also a Charter Member and the 10th president of the club died in Nazareth in May 2015.
In memory of both charter members, trees were planted in Paul Haris forest together with other Rotary Israel members who died during that Rotary Year.
The ceremony took place on the grounds of the forest with the Rama Rotary Club as the host and the responsible body for the maintenance of that part of the forest.
This tradition has been going on for several years back, beside the tree plantings done yearly in honor of the World Presidents of Rotary International and the Israel District Governors and distinguished Rotary visitors.

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